Lockdown tales of Tiruvannamalai handicraft artisans in coronavirus times

Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts: The COVID-19 pandemic has carried unspeakable torments to craftsmen of Tiruvannamalai as the infection has hit their energy of safeguarding Tiruvannamalai and Arunachala’s culture more diligently than what it did to their organizations. Tiruvannamalai handicrafts look forward to bounce back from Coronavirus and export many unique handicrafts from Tiruvannamalai to Europe.

Chinese Handicraft: Porcelain, Silk, Paper Cutting, Wood Carving

As per sources, craftspeople in Tiruvannamalai are little business people, for the most part independently employed, and reliant on occasional retail deals and direct requests. They have gotten numerous difficulties in progressive years first with demonetisation, at that point execution of products and ventures charge (GST), financial log jam, Cyclones in 2019 and now the novel coronavirus.

Specialists feel that lull, lockdown and difficulties make nervousness which thus impacts each phase of creation and circulation in this division.

Any disaster or monetary downturn impacts the individuals who don’t have a made sure about occupation and craftspeople are among the most powerless.

Offer of nearby crafted works has seen a decrease with decrease in traveler footfall in Tiruvannamalai. All the shows have either been dropped or delayed. There is no nearby business additionally as limitations have been forced on neighborhood capacities and ceremonies.

In many villages in Tiruvannamalai, handicraft craftsmen have not yet gotten ‘craftsmanship’ and are trying to create new art works in Tiruvannamalai.

Addressing Tiruvannamalai handicrafts, Sujata, a prestigious handicraft shop owner in Tiruvannamalai, stated, “It takes a long time to make one Ganesha statue. Be that as it may, where are the purchasers? The COVID-19 has grabbed away our every day bread and butter. We are 40 families here at Tiruvannamalai area who exclusively rely upon the craftsmanship. Without any visitors visiting Tiruvannamalai our handicraft business has been gravely hit. Without government help, the workmanship and the specialists will see the demise of Tiruvannamalai handicrafts.

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