How to avoid getting cheated by fake handicrafts in Tiruvannamalai ?

In the wake of rising episodes of cheating and provocation done by fake art and handicraft shops in Tiruvannamalai by some deceitful travel agents and craft vendors in Tiruvannamalai, the Government has propelled a drive to check the threat of fake handicrafts in Tiruvannamalai.To avoid being cheated we recommend you to buy handicrafts in Tiruvannamalai from Tiruvannamalai handicrafts.Kindly view for more details.

Handicraft photos: 25 Fresh Wooden Handicrafts Online Shopping India

To stop cheating of visitors in Tiruvannamalai by offer of phony items, remembering shawls for the name of Kashmiri, the specialists have made marking of all workmanship things compulsory and comprised a team to authorize it.To buy authentic handicrafts travelers and tourists in Tiruvannamalai are advised to buy handicrafts from Tiruvannamalai handicrafts.

Authorities said the State Government had gotten a few protests from remote visitors against different travel agents and painstaking work sellers. These related to uncalled for exchange works on including over-charging, cheating and badgering.

Taking a genuine note of the protests, sources stated, the government has passed harsh move against deceitful merchants to guarantee that Tiruvannamalai’s picture as a vacationer well disposed goal was not discolored.

“We have propelled a drive against the visit administrators turning to out of line exchange rehearses. Till now, we have dropped the enlistment of two travel organizations and downsized the class of four handicraft shops against whom grumblings were seen as obvious. “We have made a move against it under guidelines. Such organizations carry a terrible name to Tiruvannamalai travel industry. We need to clarify that enlistment of the movement offices discovered associated with mal-works on, pressuring, over-charging, would be dropped other than lawful activity and burden of substantial fines,” said a representative of Tiruvannamalai tourism.

Authorities said a team had been established to forestall offer of non-Tiruvannamalai items as certifiable Tiruvannamalai craft work to art purchasers.

Appropriately, the administration had sorted out a workshop for the travel industry partners, including handicraft proprietors, hoteliers and travel administrators, a month ago to improve different handicraft administrations in Tiruvannamalai.

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