Handicraft Tour with Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts

Visit depiction for Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts Tours

State ‘handicrafts’ to the most cultivated skilled workers and ladies, specialists and artists that Tiruvannamalai handicrafts brings to the table on this workmanship/melodic themed experience. A staggering mixture of societies for a considerable length of time, this locale flaunts a noteworthy craftsman make culture. We will acquaint you with painters, woodworkers, henna craftsmen and performers as we open the social, notable and melodic mysteries of Stone Town and past. Have a go at making your own bit of workmanship and jam with nearby performers on this one of a kind and drawing in visiting Tiruvannamalai handicrafts

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Features of Tiruvannamalai handicrafts

Meet the gifted specialists behind Tiruvannamalai’s flourishing handicraft network and find out about their life and work

Have a go at henna painting and wood cutting under the master eye of a nearby craftsman in Tiruvannamalai

Find the intriguing story behind Tiruvannamalai handicrafts’s flawlessly intricate (and special) cut wooden entryways

Visit the district’s just music school, talk with artists about their music legacy and have a go at playing a neighborhood instrument

Walk around noteworthy Spiritual Town with a specialist nearby guide, discover increasingly about the zone and get some insider tips on what else to see and do while you’re visiting the area

Nearby Impact: How you will help the neighborhood network by joining this visit:

This visit champions the safeguarding of neighborhood music culture by taking explorers to the handicraft shop of Tiruvannamalai handicrafts, the main handicraft shop in Tiruvannamalai and paying them a little charge for the benefit.

The middle effectively advances and ensures neighborhood handicraft legacy and offers understudies a wide scope of instruments to learn and ace, which this visit assists with keeping up.

Language: English

Incorporations: Local, English-talking guide, water, craftsmanship keepsake to bring home

Avoidances: Additional nourishment and beverages, trinkets and individual shopping, tips/tips for your guide.

Timetable subtleties

Length: 4 hours

Meeting point:


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Beginning time: 9.00 AM

Consummation point:

Before the Old Fort

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