What Are the factors depleting tiruvannamalai handicraft industry

What are the elements destroying Tiruvannamalai handicrafts ?

Rather than higher possibilities, Tiruvannamalai handicrafts is experiencing the intense decrease in business. The following are challenges that Tiruvannamalai craftsman are confronting.

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Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts

Tiruvannamalai handicrafts and customary artworks feature the rich legacy and genuine culture of our country. With wonderful structures, the craftsman convey a heritage of their property, legend, culture and cut their specialty into structures that can be sent to ages. Tiruvannamalai craftsmans were exceptionally respected and compensated until the flare-up of nineteenth century industrialization. Be that as it may, the Indian Government, since autonomy has actualized different designs to verify this part, the industrialization has been kept on influencing craftsmen. Mechanical progression is additionally a significant explanation for the decrease of handmade items into machine made items that cost somewhat less as analyzed, this accordingly taking Tiruvannamalai crafted works industry to a very nearly elimination point.

Then again, the commitment of Tiruvannamalai handicrafts can’t be dismissed. The business has offered work to countless craftsmen from age to age. The state of the business in Tiruvannamalai handicrafts has been changed at this point. Rather than higher possibilities, the division is experiencing the intense decrease in trade business. The following are troubles Tiruvannamalai craftsmen are confronting:

Preparing and acquiring crude materials:

Prior, crude materials utilized by craftsmans were to a great extent open because of the nearby connections between the development of artworks and locally accessible materials. Further, Tiruvannamalai handicrafts framework, which chiefly includes distinctive position and the town network to supply products and enterprises; offered craftsmen with access to network assets. Over the time, this conventional structure has been separated alongside rivalry from sorted out industry; Tiruvannamalai craftsmen think that its hard to purchase quality crude materials at a value they can bear to pay. Without crude material banks, these neighborhood craftsmen are compelled to depend on nearby merchants who give them crude materials against orders, at significant expenses, or change to non-customary crude materials.

Conglomeration and go between exchange:

The procedure of conglomeration includes carrying items from decentralized units with intend to empower economies of scale in transportation, stockpiling, and retail. Because of the dull status of framework and absence of correspondence in Tiruvannamalai, accumulating the item is a troublesome activity to do. This, accordingly, prompts a considerable lot of the difficulties in the chain of artworks supply. Purchasers and retailers both need impetuses to transcend upstream, supply-side issues, which bringing about loss of chances for craftsmen to get to business sectors.


The procedures and the way toward creating differ starting with one art then onto the next; the creation happens in families, with all the relatives get occupied with different parts of the procedure. Despite the fact that there are sorted out craftsmans structures exist, those specialists regularly produce inside network settings. The creation of carefully assembled items is for the most part regular, with makes action being adjusted for the time of the reap season, as the greater part of the craftsmans is additionally occupied with horticulture to for their employment.


The market for hand made items of Tiruvannamalai can be comprehended as nearby, retail shops – top of the line just as standard, displays and fares. Out of all these, nearby markets are as yet the most widely recognized market for some craftsmen. The new age markets, national just as global, have developed with a growing interest for items that have a story connected to them. In any case, such items are low in supply because of wasteful aspects in the store network.


With the start of globalization and the accessibility of increasingly moderate and shifted items, the handicraft market in Tiruvannamalai is confronting serious challenge in the worldwide market. These items are ordinarily seen as customary, good old and contradictory to present day tastes. There have been lesser endeavors made so as to re position the picture of crafted works in Tiruvannamalai and fabricate client valuation for the history and social personality related with these items. Aside from that, there have been a couple of occasions of conventional specialties being intriduced to fit with changing business sector designs.

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