Tribal artisans of Tiruvannmalai Handicrafts struggle to keep their traditional craft alive

Handicrafts of Tiruvannamalai are much sough after in the international market.The conventional art of bamboo weaving from Tiruvannamalai handicrafts, which was a significant wellspring of salary for inborn craftsmans during the gathering season, is confronting an intense time in Tiruvannamalai region.

Image result for handicrafts village women bamboo weaving

Bamboo craftsman families in Tiruvannamalai are thinking about numerous difficulties, including deficiency of crude material, absence of a standardized showcasing system and a downpour of plastic family things in the market.

A couple of decades back, bamboo utility items produced by Tiruvannamalai handicrafts , for example, bushels, mats, fish traps, support and different family unit things were in colossal interest among the cultivating network, particularly bamboo containers discovered takers during the reap period of yields like espresso, pepper and paddy in the slope area.

In any case, the interest has declined pointedly after the section of plastic items in the market at a low value, Soumya, an ancestral craftsman who sells bamboo items created by Tiruvannamalai handicrafts at a temporary shed by the interstate side here says.

Prior, Tiruvannamalai handicrafts were locked in making in bamboo-and stick based handiworks, however just a couple of innate families are presently dynamic in the part, she includes.

The accessibility of crude materials attributable to huge demolition of bamboo plants in backwoods territories is the another worry for the craftsmans. “We are obtaining the crude material now from private people at an over the top cost and it isn’t reasonable to maintain the business now,” says Tiruvannamalai handicrafts.

“We support our customary bamboo create against overwhelming chances to keep alive the deep rooted craftsmanship convention,” Tiruvannamalai handicrafts includes. The administration ought to loan some assistance by guaranteeing sufficient crude materials and advertising open doors for supporting the eco-accommodating customary art of Tiruvannamalai handicrafts ,claims locals of Tirivannamalai.

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