Types of Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts available online on www.tiruvannamalaihandicrafts.com

What are the different types of Tiruvannamalai handicrafts that are made in Tiruvannamalai ? Tiruvannamalai handicrafts deals in a variety of handicrafts in Tiruvannamalai.Here are a few handicrafts that are available online with Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts –

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Ceramics is the material from which the potteryware is made,of which significant sorts incorporate ceramic, stoneware and porcelain. Where such products are made is likewise called a ceramics (plural “earthenwares”). Ceramics likewise alludes to the workmanship or specialty of the potter or the assembling of earthenware.

Stoneware is made by framing a dirt body into objects of a necessary shape and warming them to high temperatures in a

Bushel Weaving

Bushel weaving (additionally basketry, crate making, or basketmaking) is the procedure ofweaving unspun vegetable filaments into a container or other comparative structure. Individuals and craftsmen who weave containers are called basketmakers and crate weavers.

Basketry is produced using an assortment of sinewy or malleable materials•anything that will twist and frame a shape. Models incorporate pine straw, stems, creature hair, cover up, grasses, string, andwood.


Weaving is a strategy for texture creation where two particular arrangements of yarns or strings are joined at right edges to frame a texture or material. Different techniques are weaving, trim making, felting, and meshing or plaiting. The longitudinal strings are known as the twist and the parallel strings are the weft or filling. (Weft or woof is an early English word signifying “what is woven”. The technique wherein these strings are bury woven influences the attributes of the material.

Material is normally woven on a loom, a gadget that holds the twist strings set up while filling strings are woven through them. A texture band which meets this meaning of fabric (twist strings with a weft string twisting between) can likewise be made utilizing different strategies, including tablet weaving, back-lash, or different procedures without looms.

The manner in which the twist and filling strings interweave with one another is known as the weave. Most of woven items are made with one of three fundamental weaves: plain weave, glossy silk weave, or twill. Woven fabric can be plain (in one shading or a basic example), or can be woven in embellishing or aesthetic structures.


Tatting is a system for handcrafting an especially sturdy ribbon developed by a progression of bunches and loops.Tatting can be utilized to make trim edging too asdoilies, collars, and other enhancing pieces. The trim is shaped by an example of rings and chains framed from a progression of bovine hitch, or half-hitch ties, brought twofold lines , over a center string. Holes can be left between the join to shape picots, which are utilized for viable development just as enlivening impact.

Tatting dates to the mid nineteenth century. The expression for tatting in most European dialects is gotten from French frivolité, which alludes to the simply improving nature of the materials delivered by this system. The method was created to impersonate point trim.


Macramé or macrame is a type of material making utilizing tying as opposed to weaving orknitting. Its essential bunches are the square bunch and types of “hitching”: full hitch and doublehalf hitches. It was for quite some time made by mariners, particularly in detailed or elaborate hitching structures, to design anything from blade handles to containers to parts of boats. Materials utilized in macramé incorporate lines made of cotton twine, cloth, hemp, jute, cowhide oryarn. Lines are recognized by development, for example, a 3-handle string, made of 3 lengths of fiber curved together.


Knit is a procedure of making texture fromyarn, string, or other material strands utilizing a sew hook.The word is gotten from the Frenchword “sew”, which means snare. Snares can be made of materials, for example, metals, woods or plastic and are financially fabricated just as delivered by craftsmans. Sewing, such as weaving, comprises of getting circles through different circles, yet moreover consolidates folding the working material over the snare at least multiple times.

Sew varies from weaving in that just one join is dynamic at once, lines made with a similar distance across of yarn are equivalently taller, and a solitary knit snare is utilized as opposed to twoknitting needles. Furthermore, knit has its own arrangement of images to speak to join types.

Embroidered artwork

Embroidered artwork is a type of material craftsmanship, customarily woven on a vertical loom. In any case, it can likewise be woven on a story loom also. It is made out of two arrangements of intertwined strings, those running parallel to the length (called the twist) and those parallel to the width (called the weft); the twist strings are set up under pressure on a loom, and the weft string is passed to and fro across part or the entirety of the twists. Woven artwork is weft-confronted weaving, in which all thewarp strings are covered up in the finished work, not at all like material weaving where both the twist and the weft strings might be noticeable. In embroidered artwork weaving, weft yarns are regularly intermittent; the craftsman intertwines each hued weft to and fro in its own little example region. It is a plain weft-confronted weave having weft strings of various hues worked over segments of the twist to frame the structure.

Most weavers utilize a normally based twist string, for example, cloth or cotton. The weft strings are generally fleece or cotton, yet may incorporate silk, gold, silver, or different other options.


Mosaic is the specialty of making pictures with a collection of little bits of hued glass, stone, or different materials. It might be a strategy of enriching workmanship, a part of inside improvement, or of social and profound noteworthiness as in a house of prayer. Little pieces, ordinarily generally quadratic, of stone or glass of various hues, known as tesserae, (diminutivetessellae), are utilized to make an example or picture.


Collection (From the French: coller, to stick) is a system of a craftsmanship generation, principally utilized in the visual expressions, where the fine art is produced using a gathering of various structures, in this way making another entirety.

A composition may here and there incorporate news cut-outs, strips, bits of shaded or carefully assembled papers, bits of other fine art or writings, photographsand other discovered articles, stuck to a bit of paper or canvas. The birthplaces of arrangement can be followed back many years, yet this system made an emotional return in the mid twentieth century as a work of art of novelty.™

Strategies of collection were first utilized at the hour of the development of paper in China, around 200 BC. The utilization of collection, be that as it may, wasn’t utilized by numerous individuals until the tenth century in Japan, when calligraphers started to apply stuck paper, utilizing writings on surfaces, when composing their lyrics.


Calligraphy (from Greek kallos “excellence” +graphẽ “composing”) is a kind of visual workmanship identified with composing. It is the plan and execution of lettering with an expansive tip instrument or brush in one stroke (instead of developed lettering, in which the letters are drawn.) . A contemporary meaning of calligraphic practice is “the specialty of offering structure to signs in an expressive, agreeable and dexterous way” . The narrative of composing is one of stylish advancement surrounded inside the specialized aptitudes, transmission speed and material restrictions of an individual, time and spot. A style of composing is portrayed as a content, hand or letters in order.

Calligraphy keeps on thriving in the types of wedding and occasion solicitations, textual style plan/typography, unique hand-lettered logo structure, strict craftsmanship, declarations/visual communication/dispatched calligraphic workmanship, cut stone engravings and commemoration reports. It is additionally utilized for props and moving pictures for film and TV, tributes, birth and passing testaments, maps, and different works including composing. The absolute best works of present day calligraphy are contracts and letters patent gave by rulers and officials of state in different nations.

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