Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts talks about plans to help rural women in Tiruvannamalai


by Tiruvannamalai Handicraft Foundation

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Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts plans to start, encourage, and support practical improvement activities in Tiruvannamalai people group. One of its principle activities is a grass root, non-benefit association devoted to the making of occupations for ladies in the locales of Tiruvannamalai, utilizing customary methods and materials.


Ladies in provincial Tiruvannamalai are still significantly more liable to be jobless than men. This pattern proceeds. Ladies establish 70% of the formally enlisted jobless in Tiruvannamalai. Ladies still have lower paying employments than men, and are excluded in basic leadership procedure concerning monetary issues that worry them and their families. Supportable Development Goals tending to this issue: #1 No Poverty #2 Zero Hunger #3 Good Health and Well Being #5 Gender Equality #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth


Utilizing the Handicraft objectives and Fair Trade standards in rustic Tiruvannamalai,Tiruvannamalai handicrafts will: – make financial chances – add to a superior eating regimen for families through progressively discretionary cash flow – open doors for a higher life quality for families – add to incredible sexual orientation balance in monetary exercises – give a reasonable pay and not too bad working conditions – anticipate youngster work rehearses

Long haul Impact

Long terms effects of the venture will be: – stable salaries for an expanding number of ladies – better well being in families because of better dietary propensities – expanded support in financial choices for ladies in their families and in their networks – better aptitudes for business the executives through experience – perfect and safe workplaces, better learning and mindfulness

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