Despite the current context to covid-19, Tiruvannamalai Handicrafts is open and all online orders will continue to be processed.

We recognize the trust you place in us when you order our products and that is why we want to share an update on the actions we are taking to keep you and our team members safe amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.
“Safety Above Everything” is something we take incredibly seriously at Tiruvannamalai Handicratfs. We are listening to recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), Indian Medical Council and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and as we strive to help protect our customers and our team members.
COVID-19 has changed the world and our way of life overnight. And in these uncertain times, it’s even more important for businesses like ours to stay in business and to continue to provide goods and services to our valued customers. We are following recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) as we strive to help protect our customers and our team members.
As such, we have taken a variety of actions, including:
• Educating team members about the virus and sharing resources on how to keep the workplace clean
• Encouraging team members to use good hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing
• Reinforcing education and hygiene with regular workplace communications and reminders
• Sanitizing our delivery equipment with wipes regularly
• Encouraging team members to closely monitor their health and seek medical attention if they develop flu-like symptoms
• Any team member who reports or displays flu-like symptoms will be asked to stay home
• Our office, Team member rest rooms and meeting rooms are cleaned frequently

Support to help you adapt, evolve and thrive

The world is always changing. We’re here to help you adapt, evolve and thrive. We know that now more than ever, that our customers rely on us for the things that matter most – “Spirituality” . That is why we’re committed to help you continue delivering our spiritual handicrafts to our customers at all times.

Keeping safety as our priority

As we continue to support the global supply chain, we’re committed to following all the recommended practices for keeping our customers and team members safe. We are keeping our workforce informed about COVID-19, providing them with the proper personal protective equipment and informing them of the importance of social distancing, a clean workspace and careful personal hygiene.

Impact on delivery

Customers need to understand the way we may have to change the way and timings of our deliveries. We try our best to deliver your ordered products on right time. Sometimes we may experience potential delays in shipping and handling. If there is a delay in shipping / transit / delivery as described on website due to Covid-19 restrictions or curfews in your area, we kindly request you to understand the situation and help us. We will make sure that every delivery is followed through 24×7 and we will make sure that your products reach you safe.
For any help or query kindly email us at or message us on Whatsapp from our home page.

We apologize for any inconvenience if caused and we are always thankful to our valued customers for your kind patience.